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Safari Niagara’s family has grown yet again!

Safari Niagara’s family has grown yet again!

The 150-acre nature park welcomed two Reticulated Giraffes to their facility. The male and female giraffe yearlings, named Ziphora and Moses arrived from a zoological facility in the USA and are now enjoying their new enclosure at Safari Niagara.

Clearance has been given to Safari Niagara to allow Ziphora and Moses full access within the entire giraffe house. They will now be spending a great deal of time getting to know Rainbow, our 14-year old Reticulated Giraffe. We are asking for your understanding and patience during this time as the new family members may be off exhibit temporarily while they adjust to their new environment. Stimuli can be an overwhelming experience for the sensitive giraffe species.

We encourage you to come help them acclimate by observing from a distance; as all 3 giraffes will be held in the paddock near the barn and not in the main exhibit. Safari Niagara, a member of the Canadian Accredited Zoos and Aquariums (CAZAAZAC), is a 150-acre nature park located only 10 minutes from Niagara Falls, in Stevensville, Ontario, home to over 1000 animals, reptiles and birds.

For more information on Safari Niagara, visit or join us on Facebook at and Twitter @SafariNiagara.


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