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Experience Marsh by Moonlight

Marsh Moonlight Paddle Series

The Marsh by Moonlight Paddle Series features a guided canoe tour through the sparkling moonlight waters of the Wye Marsh.  Twinkling canoes and boardwalk, night noises, some yummy bannock and lots of laughs will make for a few spectacular photo-ops and an unforgettable night!  Connect with nature and enjoy this unique and different perspective of the marsh.

Preregistration is required, there is a minimum booking of 4 ppt and a maximum of 16 ppt for each night.

We will have a rain night for each event.  The decision to use the rain date will be made by the Thursday prior to the Saturday paddle.  The rain date will be the Sunday.

Cost is $30 per person for nonmembers or $25 per person for members.

For additional information please contact:
Sara Street, Executive Director
705-526-7809 ext 201

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