Canadian Museum of Nature
In-person workshops are back and our virtual program continues! Plan a visit for your class to the museum or invite us into your classroom through virtual workshops and other educational resources. Our science educators deliver dynamic, curriculum-based workshops live at the museum and online. Let us help you get connected with nature!
Discovery Tank Experience: 50-minute interactive presentation for Grades K-12. Go behind the scenes and discover live tide-pool creatures, including anemones, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and more. In-person.
Arctic Habitats: 50-minute workshop for Grade 4 Ontario / Elementary Cycle 2 Quebec.
Learn about life in the Arctic in a special visit to the Canada Goose Arctic Gallery. Discover amazing adaptations of animals and plants. Handle museum specimens. In-person.
CONTACT: 613 566 4701 | 1 800 263 4433
LOCATION: 240 McLeod Street, Ottawa, Ontario
GRADES Kindergarten to 12
Min Group Size: 15 Participants
Max Group Size: 30 Participants per workshop
Length: 50 Minutes
Subject Areas: Life Science, Earth Science