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Scandinave Spa will be donating a total of $8,098 to twelve charities selected by its 12 Days of Christmas contest winners.

Blue Mountains, ON., November 28, 2016 – Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain is running its 4th Annual 12 Days of Christmas contest this holiday season with a philanthropic twist. Each daily winner will be given the opportunity to select a registered Canadian charity of their choice that Scandinave Spa will donate the winner’s prize value to.

“This is an exciting addition to the contest,” says Mylisa Henderson, Co-Owner and Director of Marketing & Sales. “Scandinave Spa will be donating a total of $8,098 to charities, with $2,063 being donated to the final charity on December 13th, which is also our 10th anniversary.”

Starting December 2nd winners will take home that day’s featured prize, plus any day prizes offered before it; growing into the ultimate holiday present. Charitable donations will also increase in value as the contest progresses.

“We hope the contest will get people into the spirit of giving,” says Henderson. “Everyone has a charity that is close to them, and this is the perfect way to share the Christmas spirit.”

The 12 Days of Christmas contest is currently running and will close December 12th, with winners and charities being announced December 2nd to 13th. To enter, visit the Scandinave Spa Blue Mountain Facebook page.

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