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Port Stanley Theatre

2019 Season Launch – Join us for six shows of summer fun!

The 2019 summer season launches on May 21st when audience favourite, Jeff Culbert, brings his unique brand of story-telling to the Port Stanley stage with “The Wildest Town in Canada: Donnelly Songs and Stories”. “A tale of romance, feuds, conspiracy, and murder navigated with energy and charm … this is why the legend of the Donnellys is so compelling!” 

On May 28th, comedian Chris Gibbs opens “Like Father Like Son, Sorry”, a family-friendly stand-up comedy that playfully explores the fears, worries, and surprises of being a new father, and the absolute terror of wanting to be a good one. “One of the funniest guys around … comic stand-up gold”. 

Opening on June 5th, PSFT is thrilled to be producing Norm Foster’s hit comedy “Lunenburg” for an extended four-week run. The second of Foster’s East Coast comedies, “Lunenburg” promises deft one-liners, compelling characters, and plenty of heart … with just a touch of mystery. 

Fourth up, the Port Stanley Festival Theatre is delighted to be presenting the world premiere of “Giving up the Ghost” by Arlin Dixon and Matthew Gorman. The Christie House is about to become a parking lot and long-time curator, Aggie, rallies the troops for a last-minute defense in a classic showdown. “A comedy about freedom, fresh starts, and things that go bump in the dark.” 

July 24th brings “Ed’s Garage”, by Leacock Award winner Dan Needles. Ed used to be a farmer, now he’s an entrepreneur … or is he a therapist, or does he simply run a garage as the sign out front says? From the social implications of the round haybale to the realities of the modern rural sensibility, this quirky comedy, from the writer of the hit “Wingfield” series, is sure to delight. 

Closing out the season comes “It’s Your Funeral” by Jamie Williams. Shifting coffins, secret passageways, and mysterious millions! This sparkling new farce is a classic blend of high stake fast paced surprises complete with bookies, mobsters, Pomeranian triplets, and a first-across-the line finish that defies belief. 

With a varied season, appealing to single ticket buyers, subscribers, and tour groups alike, we look forward to providing another season of top-quality entertainment in 2019. 

Enquiries to Theatre Manager, Natasha Newby and Artistic Director, Simon Joynes (519)782-3914

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