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Girls Getaway at Elmhirst Resort!

When you become a mom there are so many things that get put on the back burner, and a huge one is hanging out with your girlfriends.  You rarely talk on the phone anymore, you get back to texts so much later than you would like and in person hang outs are few and far between.

When Attractions Ontario came to me to see if my girlfriends and I were up for an EPIC weekend away at Elmhirst Resort it did not take long for me to say yes.  We put the husbands on notice, packed our bags and drove up to the family owned Elmhirst Resort for a weekend of fun!

The Elmhirst Resort hosts themed weekends and this one just so happened to be the Wild Women’s Weekend.  They had lots of activities set up for women to take part in, but I would definitely say that you do not need a themed weekend to attend with a group of gal pals.  This place was just perfect.


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