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Travelling Ontario While Living With Advanced Cancer

By Sandra Zichermann, The Mom Rant

Hi Moms,

2022 has been a very difficult year for me and my family. At the start of the year, we found out my mom has advanced cancer and since, she’s had to endure many radiation treatments. Cancer is hard, it doesn’t discriminate and it really affects the whole family.

I had to redirect all my priorities and work and focus on being the primary caregiver for my mom. Lots and I mean LOTS of doctors appointments, treatments, medications, tears, loss of appetite, pain and her regularly feeling generally unwell. It’s been really hard.

I wanted to start by saying this was our FIRST trip with Nonna post her cancer diagnosis at the beginning of this year. At first we weren’t sure if it was even going to happen but we’re so grateful to be able to share this experience with all of you. I know so many of you are also going through cancer or are taking care of a family member with cancer. Please know that you’re not alone. We really are in this TOGETHER!

I wanted to show my mom that while she’s still living with advanced cancer, she can still take a moment, a day, a night to truly unwind and forget (even for only 24 hours) that’s she’s living with cancer. That’s why I’m so happy we got the opportunity to partner with my friends at Attractions Ontario to visit the absolutely beautiful Muskoka Bay Resort located within Gravenhurst, Ontario.

Surrounded by beautiful flowing trees and nature, you’ll find Muskoka Bay Resort. A space for fun, rest and relaxation. Guests come to the resort for the delicious food, beautiful accommodations, the fabulous amenities including: the world class golf course, infinity swimming pool, tennis, spa and fitness studio.

We left with so much more.


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