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Luminato Festival


Luminato is Toronto’s international arts festival dedicated to performance, media and visual arts, and programming that cuts across traditional artform boundaries. Luminato works closely with Canadian artists to support the development and creation of distinctive new work as well as presenting today’s most exciting artists from around the world. The 2019 festival will run from June 7 to June 23.

Luminato acknowledges this land, known as Tkaronto, and honours the stewardship, past, present and future of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinaabe, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the New Credit. Tkaronto is in the Dish With One Spoon Territory. The Dish With One Spoon is a treaty between the Anishinaabe, Mississaugas and Haudenosaunee that bound them to share the territory and protect the land. Subsequent Indigenous Nations and peoples, Europeans and all newcomers have been invited into this treaty in the spirit of peace, friendship and respect. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work in the community on this territory.

Luminato gratefully acknowledges the generosity of its Founding Government Partner the Province of Ontario, its Major Partner the Government of Canada and its Presenting Partner the City of Toronto.


Founded in 2007 by David Pecaut and Tony Gagliano, Luminato was conceived to shine a spotlight on Toronto as a culturally vibrant and globally connected city rich in creativity. In its first decade, Luminato became one of the preeminent international arts festivals in North America, with more than 3,600 performances featuring 15,000+ artists from over 40 countries. As Luminato enters its second decade, its vision is to be a locally rooted, globally connected festival with a distinctly Toronto personality.

Luminato showcases Canadian artists to the world and, through the presentation of outstanding international artists, connects those local voices with global conversations. The festival has also become one of Canada’s most active commissioning bodies, having commissioned close to 100 new works covering all art forms. People numbering into the millions have experienced an extraordinary array of events at the festival, featuring some of the most exciting artists from Canada and abroad.

Contact Information
180 Shaw St. Toronto M6J 2W5, Suite 301
Phone: 416-368-3100 or 416 368 4849
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