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York Soaring Association


Introductory Flights

Be our guest and fly with us.  Either come to the gliderport or book a flight directly.  All flights are done in certified, two-seat aircraft, by Transport Canada Licensed pilots.  Choose a gentle glide or a ‘hands-on’ instructional experience.  You can also buy a gift certificate for yourself or a friend.

Flights start with a briefing by your pilot about the glider, normal flight procedures, and safety.  Then you are escorted to a two-seat glider and secured in the front seat.  Your pilot sits in the back and performs pre-flight checks before launch.  The pilot does the flying during the takeoff, landing, and launch phases.  However, after the release point, if you like, you can get some experience controlling the aircraft.

A normal aerotow takes you to 3,000 feet (900 metres) above ground. Depending on the weather conditions, you may climb above that.  Your flight typically lasts between 12 and 30 minutes.

YORK SOARING has excellent training facilities, with 4 two-seat trainers and a very active group of instructors, we get you in the air right away!

On your first flight as you learn the effects of the controls. Then as you progress you will learn how to take-off, land and how to soar, the rules of the air, ground procedures and club operations. Students fly two flights in a row with the same instructor and may fly up to four flights per day.  This will allow for faster progression to solo.

Ground-school courses are offered by YORK SOARING as required free of charge at the air field and on-line in the ground school on this website.

Training flights generally last 20 min, and can extend up to 1 hour with favorable soaring conditions.When the instructor thinks you are ready, you will be given an oral exam and a flight test and then be sent SOLO! An average of 30 dual flights at about $50 each are needed before you go solo, it’s less than a quarter of the cost of a private pilot’s license. York typically offers camps at the beginning of June and July that will allow students to progress quicker to solo stages or you can learn by simply coming out as often as you are available.

To get your licence you will be required to complete 20 solo flights, take the ground school and write a Transport Canada Glider Pilot’s exam (at the airfield). When you pass you will be licensed!  After License, you come and fly as much as you like, still only paying for the rental of the glider and the tow fee.

You can progress through the more advanced sailplanes the club fleet offers, try your hand at cross-country flying, take part in the friendly competitions at York Soaring, obtain aerobatic training, or simply take up a friend for one of the most exciting rides they will ever have!

Take your first lesson now!

Contact Information
7296 5th Line, Belwood, ON N0B 1J0 N0B 1J0
Phone: 519-848-3621
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