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How to enjoy your stay in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario

By Gaby no Canada

The second city we visited: Sault Ste Marie . We had already passed it a few times on trips we had taken to the United States in years past, but we never stopped to explore the place. I remember going through the bridge that joins the countries (USA and Canada) and looking at that super blue water down there and thinking: I think we have to visit the place. This time we went quickly – 2 days, one on the way to Thunder Bay and one on the way back -, but you could already feel that the city is amazing and worth a longer visit or even being a final destination.

In this post I decided to bring you some ideas to enjoy your stay in the city, which I’m sure you’ll love. It is worth mentioning that we did this tour with 2 children and a dog, so many of the tips will be geared towards the family, but there is always a brewery along the way and a must-see place for any type of traveler.

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