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Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc. donates their telephone system to the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre

Head: Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc. recycles telephone systems for local not-for-profit groups.

Photo: Kevin Leonard, President and CEO of Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc. present Sara Street, Executive Director at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre a cheque for $4,000.

Photo Caption: Kevin Leonard, President and CEO of Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc. present Sara Street, Executive Director at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre a cheque for $4,000 – the dollar-value amount of the telephone system that Huronia donated to the Wye Marsh.

As part of a recent telephone system upgrade, Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc.’s previous equipment would no longer sync with the new technologies that their offices and 24/7 ULC listed monitoring station required. “The telephone systems were still in perfect working condition. So we reached out to the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre in Midland (and Habitat for Humanity, Southern Georgian Bay) to see if they would be interested in upgrading their current systems with our former equipment,” said Kevin Leonard, President & CEO at Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc.

The timing couldn’t have been better.

“It was wonderful of Huronia Alarms to think of us when they were replacing their telephone system. This comes at the perfect time for us, as our telephone system was on its last legs,” said Sara Street, Executive Director at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre. “Huronia’s donation will help to support our mission to be a centre of excellence for wetlands research, interpretation and education based on the principle of stewardship and the importance of environmental awareness.”

The telephone systems include digital telephones that would replace the Marsh’s obsolete headsets, faster voicemail with Simple Message Desk Interface (SMDI) integration, caller ID capabilities, multiple call group capability and zone paging. These features will allow for faster and more efficient telephone communication with Visitors and Staff alike.

“We are thrilled that all of our former telephone equipment has found a new home at the Wye Marsh,” said Leonard, “recycling and helping our corporate neighbours … it’s the best outcome we could have hoped for!”

Huronia Alarm & Fire Security Inc. has been in business for over 40 years and is Central Ontario’s leading provider of home and business security and monitoring services, CCTV, fire and safety, lock, key and safe products and services, home theatre, audio and video consultation and entertainment room design as well as cabling and smart home wiring for today’s home automation requirements.

For additional information please contact:
Sara Street, Executive Director
705-526-7809 ext 201

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